ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan: Revolutionizing Blood Separation and Analysis

Arteriocyte Mag100 Magellan

The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is the latest innovation in medical technology. Find out how this device is transforming the healthcare industry.

The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is a cutting-edge medical device that is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. This innovative technology is designed to provide accurate and reliable measurements of blood flow, helping doctors to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan and explore its many benefits and applications.


Blood analysis is a critical aspect of healthcare, aiding in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of various diseases. Blood contains different components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma, that serve different purposes.

In the past, the separation of blood components was a cumbersome process that involved centrifugation and several manual steps. However, with the introduction of the ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan, blood separation and analysis have been simplified, and results can be obtained within minutes.

The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan separator is an essential tool in healthcare, enabling quick and accurate blood analysis. The system can be used for various tests, including complete blood count, white blood cell differential, and cardiac biomarker analysis. With its automation, the system eliminates manual steps and reduces the risk of errors and contamination, improving the reliability of results. The system’s speed also allows for quick turnaround times, enabling physicians to make informed decisions regarding patient care promptly.

The Arteriocyte Medtronic Model Magellan Autologous is a previous version of the ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan prp system. The system was developed by Arteriocyte, a biotechnology company, in collaboration with Medtronic, a medical technology company, and it was designed for the preparation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a patient’s own blood.

RTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan description

The Mag Magellan Arteriocyte separator  is a compact, automated blood separation and analysis system that utilizes magnetic beads technology. The system has a disposable cartridge containing magnetic beads that bind to specific blood cells or proteins, depending on the test being performed. The cartridge is inserted into the system, and blood is introduced into the cartridge, where it is mixed with the magnetic beads. The system then applies a magnetic field to the cartridge, causing the magnetic beads to separate from the blood cells or proteins they have bound to. The separated cells or proteins can then be analyzed using the system’s integrated analyzer.

Product Name ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan
Technology Magnetic beads separation and analysis
Tests Complete blood count, white blood cell differential, cardiac biomarker analysis
Automation Fully automated system
Turnaround Time Results obtained within minutes
Compatibility Compatible with most blood samples and magnetic beads
Size Compact, suitable for use in various healthcare settings
Power Supply Requires stable electricity
Cost Relatively expensive
Advantages Reduces risk of errors and contamination, improves reliability of results, enables quick turnaround times
Disadvantages Expensive, may not be compatible with some specialized tests, requires stable electricity

Importance of ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan

The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is an essential tool in healthcare, enabling quick and accurate blood analysis. The system can be used for various tests, including complete blood count, white blood cell differential, and cardiac biomarker analysis. With its automation, the system eliminates manual steps and reduces the risk of errors and contamination, improving the reliability of results. The system’s speed also allows for quick turnaround times, enabling physicians to make informed decisions regarding patient care promptly.

Tests to  perform by this device

The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is a versatile blood separation and analysis system that can perform several tests. Some of the tests that can be performed using the ARTERIOCYTE MAG-100 Magellan include:

  1. Complete blood count (CBC): CBC is a common blood test that measures the levels of different blood cells in the sample, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. CBC is used to diagnose and monitor various blood-related conditions.
  2. White blood cell differential: This test measures the percentage of different types of white blood cells in the sample. White blood cells are part of the immune system and help fight infection and disease.
  3. Cardiac biomarker analysis: This test measures the levels of different proteins in the blood that are related to heart health. Cardiac biomarker analysis is used to diagnose and monitor heart-related conditions.
  4. Cell isolation: The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan can also be used to isolate specific cells from the blood sample, such as circulating tumor cells or stem cells.
  5. Protein analysis: The system can also be used to separate and analyze specific proteins in the blood sample, such as cytokines or antibodies.

It is essential to note that the ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is compatible with most blood samples and magnetic beads, making it a versatile tool for various blood-related tests. However, it is always best to check the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for compatibility before using the system for specific tests.

How to use it

  1. Insert the disposable cartridge into the system: The first step is to insert the disposable cartridge into the system. The cartridge contains magnetic beads that are specific to the test being performed.
  2. Introduce the blood sample: Once the cartridge is in place, introduce the blood sample into the cartridge. The sample is mixed with the magnetic beads in the cartridge.
  3. Apply magnetic field: Turn on the system and apply a magnetic field to the cartridge. This causes the magnetic beads to separate from the blood cells or proteins they have bound to.
  4. Analyze the separated cells or proteins: Once the magnetic beads are separated, the cells or proteins they have bound to can be analyzed using the system’s integrated analyzer. The system provides results within minutes.
  5. Dispose of the cartridge: Once the analysis is complete, dispose of the cartridge. The system is now ready for the next test.

It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when using the ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan to ensure accurate results and safe operation.

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Pros and Cons of ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan


The Aarteriocyte medical systems has several advantages over traditional blood separation and analysis methods. Firstly, the system is fully automated, eliminating the need for manual steps and reducing the risk of errors and contamination. The system’s speed also allows for quick turnaround times, enabling physicians to make informed decisions regarding patient care promptly. The system is also compact and easy to use, making it suitable for use in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and laboratories.


Despite its advantages, the Arteriocyte Magellan Mag Autologous has some limitations. Firstly, the system is relatively expensive, making it difficult for smaller healthcare facilities to acquire. The system’s reliance on magnetic beads also means that tests requiring specialized beads may not be compatible with the system. Finally, the system’s reliance on electricity means that it may not be suitable for use in areas without a stable power supply.

ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan Vs Magellan Mag Autologous Platelet


ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan and Magellan Mag Autologous Platelet are not the same systems. While both systems use magnetic bead separation technology, they are designed for different applications.

The Arteriocyte Magellan Mag is primarily used for blood cell separation and analysis, as described earlier. In contrast, the Magellan Mag Autologous Platelet system is designed specifically for the preparation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a patient’s own blood.

Platelet-rich plasma is a preparation that contains a high concentration of platelets and growth factors, which are essential for tissue healing and regeneration. The Magellan Autologous Platelet system is used to prepare PRP from a patient’s own blood for various medical and aesthetic procedures, such as orthopedic treatments, wound healing, and skin rejuvenation.

While both systems use magnetic bead separation technology, they are optimized for different applications and cannot be used interchangeably. It is essential to choose the right system for the intended application and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully for accurate and safe operation.

The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is a revolutionary blood separation and analysis system that simplifies blood analysis and improves the reliability of results. With its automation, the system reduces the risk of errors and contamination, enabling quick and accurate results. While the system may have some limitations, its advantages make it an essential tool in healthcare. The ARTERIOCYTE MAG100 Magellan is an investment in the future of healthcare, enabling physicians to provide better care to their patients.

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