C peptide test; Precautions and Results Interpretation

insulin C-peptide

C peptide test; also called insulin C-peptide. What is this test, what are the requirements for it, and what are the implications of its results?

C peptide test determines the concentration of C-peptide in the blood or urine. The test can help you determine what type of diabetes you have and how well your diabetes treatments are working.

C peptide test overview

C peptide test measures the level of this peptide in a blood or urine sample (pee). Measuring level of C -peptide is an accurate way to determine how much insulin your body produces.

Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas. It facilitates the entry of blood glucose (blood sugar) into your cells, where it can be used for energy. This aids in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.

C-peptide is produced by your pancreas during the insulin production process. insulin and C-peptide enter bloodstream in equal amounts and at the same time. C-peptide has no effect on blood glucose levels, but it lingers in the blood longer than insulin, making it easier to measure accurately.

Brief Description of C peptide test

Test name C -peptide test
Other names
  • insulin C-peptide.
  • connecting peptide insulin
  • proinsulin C-peptide
Test purpose used to monitor insulin production by pancreatic beta cells and aid in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia
preparation To obtain basal values, the patient should fast for 14 to 16 hours.
Specimen Serum, or 24-hour urine sample.
Minimum Volume 0.3 mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)
Causes of rejection
  • Citrate plasma Specimen
  • Gross hemolysis
Reference range 1.1−4.4 ng/mL
Methodology Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA)

Purpose of C-peptide test

A C-peptide testing can be used to determine:

diagnosis the type of diabetes

In some cases, it may be difficult to determine the type of diabetes you have in certain. serum C-peptide test may be required if your diabetes diagnosis is still uncertain after three years.

Control diabetes treatment

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, knowing how much insulin your pancreas produces can help you make treatment decisions. Even if you take insulin for diabetes, a C-peptide test can provide an accurate measurement. This is because your C-peptide levels are determined by how much insulin your pancreas produces. They are unaffected by the insulin you take.

The cause of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

High insulin levels have been linked to some types of hypoglycemia. A C-peptide test can be used to indicate whether your condition is caused by an excess of insulin. Hypoglycemia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Kidney or liver disease.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol without eating.
  • Your pancreas has a tumor (uncommon).
  • Certain diabetes medications, including insulin, can cause side effects.

Pancreatic tumor

The C-peptide test is used to diagnose and monitor the treatment for an insulinoma, which is a rare pancreatic tumor.
These tumors produce an excessive amount of insulin, resulting in low blood sugar. They are almost always benign (not cancerous) and can be removed surgically.

principal use of c peptide

When there is documented acute or recurring low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) and/or excess insulin is suspected, C-peptide levels may be ordered. C-peptide tests aid in distinguishing between the body’s own insulin and insulin from other sources. Hypoglycemia symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Hunger
  • Vision impairment
  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • loss of consciousness in severe cases.

Many of these symptoms can also be associated with other conditions.

Test preparations

  1.  The patient must fast for 8 hours.
  2. Do not take vitamin supplements or multivitamins containing biotin (vitamin B7) for 12 hours before specimen collection.

C peptide test steps

C peptide test
C peptide test

 c peptide test is a blood involves a health care professional drawing blood from a vein in your arm with a small needle. A small amount of blood will be collected in a test tube or vial.

For a 24-hour urine sample You will be given a container to collect urine, also you will received directions on how to accumulate and store your samples for a 24-hour.
The following steps are typically included in the test:

  • To begin, urinate as usual in the toilet. This urine should not be collected. Make a note of the time you urinated.
  • Collect all of your urine in the container for the next 24 hours.
  • During the collection period, keep the urine container in a refrigerator or an ice-filled cooler.
  • If you can, try to urinate 24 hours after starting the test. This is the test’s final urine collection.
  • As directed, return the container containing your urine to the laboratory.

Results interpretations

The significance of your results is determined by your age, health, medications, and the results of other tests, such as a blood glucose test.

High C peptide level

High C peptide level usually indicates that your body is producing too much insulin. High insulin levels are caused by a variety of conditions, including:

  • Diabetes type 2
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Insulinoma is a pancreatic tumour.
  • Failure of the kidneys
  • A low potassium level in your blood

Low C peptide level

Low C peptide levels may indicate that your body isn’t producing enough insulin. Low insulin levels can be caused by a variety of conditions, including:

  • Diabetes type 1 and, in some cases, diabetes type 2
  • Taking an excessive amount of insulin to treat diabetes.
  • A serious infection
  • The Addison’s disease
  • Disease of the Liver

A decrease in C-peptide levels indicates that your treatment for an insulin-producing tumor in your pancreas is working. An increase in C-peptide may indicate that your tumor has returned.

Related tests

  • Random Blood Glucose Test.
  • Fasting  Blood Glucose  test.
  • Glucose in Urine Test
  • Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) Test
  • Glucagon Blood Test
  • Glucose tolerance test
  • Insulin in Blood

If you’re having a C peptide test, talk to your doctor about specific instructions and what your test results mean. and learn what treatment steps you’ll need to take.

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