Lincoln diagnostics multi test ii. Features and Readings

Lincoln diagnostics multi test ii

Lincoln diagnostics multi test ii devices are one of the most accurate allergy tests available, with high sensitivity, specificity, and low variability of results. Furthermore, it is well received by patients and is quick, con venient, and simple to use.

About Lincoln Diagnostics Multi Test II

Because of their safety, ease of use, test reproducibility, and readability, multiple-allergen applicators have gained popularity.
Multi Test ii lincoln diagnostics is one of the most accurate allergy tests available. Lincoln Diagnostics is a manufacturing company based in the United States that focuses entirely on the progression, manufacture, and global supply of plastic Skin Prick Test Lancets.

The Lincoln Diagnostics Multi-Test® II is a disposable plastic device that uses nine needles to prick the epidermis at nine different points.
Histamine phosphate (1 mg/ml Histamine base) in 50% glyserosaline, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D. pter. ), Dermatophagoides phar.), grass mix, tree mix, weed mix, and epidermal mix were used for testing. 50% glyserosaline was used as the negative control.

Multi-Test II features

Lincoln Diagnostics Multitest II is one of the most accurate allergy tests available, and it is characterised by:

  1. Sensitivity is high: 98-100%.
  2. Specificity is high: 95-100%.
  3. Results with low variability: CV 12.7-17.7%
  4. Excellent patient acceptance.
  5. Speed, convenience, and ease of use.
  6. Unrivaled quality, manufactured in accordance with ISO 13485 standards.
  7. OSHA compliant.
  8. 600 tests/case.

Instructions for use

Lincoln diagnostics multi test ii

  1. Remove each sterile Multi-Test II device from its container by grasping and pulling the sealed label at the blue dot.
  2. Insert the Multi-Test II applicator into the Dipwell Tray with the extracts and control solutions. The device’s test heads are numbered 1 through 8. The Dipwell Tray’s wells are also numbered 1 through 8.
  3. When a new Multi-Test II device is inserted into its Dipwell Tray, test head No. 1 is placed in well No. 1, test head No. 2 is placed in well No. 2, and so on for all test heads and well positions, numbers 1 through 8.
  4. With the points of all eight test heads properly loaded, Multi-Test II is used as follows:
    • Choose only testing sites with enough surface area and subcutaneous tissue to allow adequate penetration of all points on all eight test heads.
      • The preferred sites are the volar surfaces of each arm and the back. If necessary, the skin over the biceps, triceps and posterior thighs can be used.
      • Avoid hairy areas as much as possible because the responses are more difficult to interpret in these areas.
    • Cleanse sites with alcohol, ether, or acetone and allow to dry.
    • Point the Multi-Test PC’s “T-bar” end toward a constant reference point, such as the subject’s head, enable touch posts to touch the skin for one second, and push the loaded unit into the skin with force to allow adequate penetration of the points.
    • When the skin is taut, less pressure is required to achieve proper point penetration.

Typical reactions reading

Because patients respond differently to mechanical and chemical stimulation of the skin, positive (histamine) and negative (glycerol saline) controls are most reliable when used to interpret skin test results.

It is preferable to conduct testing in such a way that positive and negative controls are used at the same time and in the same general area as the diagnostic extracts.

Reading of positive control results while reading of results from the negative controls and diagnostic extracts is conducted 15-20 minutes following administration, is done 20 minutes after their administration.

Positive and Negative

Wheal could be present or not. If a wheal is present, it must be larger than the negative control. Reading of all test results against negative controls is mandatory.

  • There was no wheal or a wheal that was no larger in size than the wheal produced at the negative control site.
  • Erythema is absent or the area of erythema is no larger than the area of erythema at the negative control site.
  • It should be noted that all scratch and prick type instruments cause a wheal or erythema, or both, at the negative control site in some patients.
  • Wheals can range in size from barely discernible 1-2 mm to well-defined 5mm.
  • Erythema can range in size from a faint 1-2 mm to a clearly defined 10mm or larger.
  • There was no wheal or a wheal that was no larger in size than the wheal produced at the negative control site.
  • Erythema is absent or the area of erythema is no larger than the area of erythema at the negative control site.
  • It should be noted that all scratch and prick-type instruments cause a wheal or erythema, or both, at the negative control site in some patients.
  • Wheels can range in size from barely discernible 1-2 mm to well-defined 5mm. Erythema can range in size from a faint 1-2 mm to a clearly defined 10mm or larger.

About Lincoln Diagnostics

Lincoln Diagnostics, Inc. is a company that makes disposable allergy skin test devices. Multi-Test , Multi-Test II, Duotip-Test, Duotip Test II, Multi Test® PC, and UniTest PC are among the OSHA-compliant skin testing devices available to customers. Lincoln Diagnostics products are widely used in hospitals, private clinics, and educational institutions all over the world.

Lincoln Diagnostics has been revolutionizing allergy skin testing for over 40 years. Lincoln Diagnostics began in 1982, marketing for allergy testing its patented Multi-Test ii multiple skin test applicator, the industry’s first plastic disposable testing device.

“Related: Barium swallow test, Preparations and results

A positive skin test reaction to any allergen extract should be interpreted in light of the patient’s history of symptoms, time of year, known exposures, and eating habits.
Skin test results are not a substitute for a complete history of allergy. They provide additional information to help identify allergens in patients with allergic disorders.

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