Everything You Need to Know About Yeast Infection Tests

Yeast Infection Tests

Knowing which yeast infection tests to perform is key to effective treatment and prevention. Learn more about the different types of this testing.

There are several types of Yeast infection tests available, from simple at-home tests to more detailed ones done by a lab. Learn more about different yeast infection testing options and how to decide which is right for you.

Understanding Yeast Infections

Yeast is a type of fungus that lives in the skin, nails, mouth, gut, and genital area. If you’re experiencing symptoms that you think may be related to a yeast infection, it’s essential to see your doctor for a diagnosis.

Most yeast infections lead to itching, burning, and/or redness in or around the vagina. Yeast infections are treated with medications and/or topical treatments.

Usually, yeast does not cause problems. However, if yeast grows out of control, it can lead to troublesome infections that require treatment.

Yeast infections are rarely serious if you are generally healthy. But yeast infections can become very serious in people with weakened immune systems. it might affect blood, heart, brain, eyes, bones, and other parts of the body. This is called an invasive yeast infection.

Synonyms for Yeast infection: Candidosis, Candidiasis, candida, and moniliasis.

Synonyms for the test: Fungal Culture; Fungal Antigen and Antibody Detection, Calcofluor White Stain, Fungal Smear.

Why do I need Yeast Infection Tests?

A yeast test and Test vaginal secretions are used to detect and diagnose a yeast infection to determine the type of fungus causing the infection.
In General, yeast infections tend to grow on moist areas of the skin and mucous membranes, Symptoms depend on where the yeast is growing. These are typical symptoms of some common types of yeast infection:

1- Mouth yeast infection

It’s called thrush. This is very common in young children. Thrush in adults can be a sign of a weakened immune system. Symptoms include:

  • White patches on the tongue, Inside of the cheeks, the roof of the mouth, and the throat.
  • Redness or soreness.
  • Cotton-like feeling in the mouth.
  • Loss of taste.
  • Pain while eating.

mouth yeast infection can be caused by thumb-sucking on ill-fitting dentures or frequent lip licking. Syndrome includes:

  • Cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth.

2- Skin yeast infection

Yeast infection in the skin includes conditions such as athlete’s foot and diaper rash. Symptoms include:

  • A bright red rash, often with sores (open sores)
  • Itching and burning
  • Pimples

3- Genital yeast infections

Mostly, doctors diagnose a vaginal yeast infection by asking about your symptoms
  1. Vaginal infections are prevalent. Symptoms include:
    • Genital itching and burning
    • White discharge that looks like cottage cheese
    • Pain when urinating (urinating) and during intercourse
    • Redness and swelling of the vagina and labia (folds of skin around the vagina)
  2. Penis Yeast infection: It’s more common if you have diabetes or are circumcised. Symptoms include:
    • Redness
    • Itching and/or burning
    • A rash on the head of the penis can be painful.

4- Nail Yeast infection

nail yeast infection may occur on fingernails or toenails but is more common on toenails. Symptoms include:

  • Discolored nails (yellow-brown or white).
  • Thick nail.
  • Cracks in the nail.
  • Pain and redness if the infection is severe.

What happens during Yeast Infection Tests?

The type of test depends on the location of the symptoms.

To test for:

  •  A vaginal yeast infectiontests: healthcare provider will do a pelvic exam and take a sample of vaginal fluid.
  •  Thrush: healthcare provider will examine the infected area in the mouth and may scrape some cells to microscopic examination under a microscope.
  • yeast infection tests on the skin or nails- Your provider may use a blunt-edged instrument to scrape off a small piece of skin or part of your nail for examination. You may feel some stress and discomfort during this type of test.

Your provider can tell if you have a yeast infection by looking at the infected area and examining a sample of cells under a microscope. If there are not enough cells in the sample to find an infection, you may need a fungal culture test.

During a fungal culture test, the cells in the sample are sent to a laboratory to grow until there are enough cells to be tested. Results are usually available within a few days. But some yeasts grow slowly, so it may take weeks to get results.

Performing At-Home Yeast Infection Tests

Yeast Infection Tests
Yeast Infection Tests

Most over-the-counter rapid yeast infection tests measure. kit clinically tested vaginal infection “only vaginal pH”, but are able to provide results in five minutes or less. Yeast infections can occur in the skin, nails, mouth, and genital area. A yeast test is used to detect and diagnose a yeast infection.

The top pick for yeast infection testing is LetsGetChecked’s vaginitis test. This test is the best option to determine whether you have a yeast infection or if it’s another type of infection, such as BV, chlamydia, or trichomoniasis.

Performing an at-home yeast infection tests is easy. Collect a sample of vaginal fluid and smear it on the vaginal pH test strip. The color of the discharge indicates whether you have a yeast infection.

Kits typically contain a pH strip you hold alongside the wall of the vagina, a swab collector, and an instructions booklet.

Preparing for the test

You don’t need to do any special preparation for the Yeast Infection Tests.

“Related: Protein in Urine Test. Why Is Proteinuria Tested?

What do the results mean?

If your results show that you have a yeast infection, your provider may recommend prescription or over-the-counter antifungal medication. Antifungal medications are available in many forms for different types of infections, including pills, vaginal creams and suppositories, skin creams, powders, and lotions. your Your provider will tell you which treatment is best for you.

It is important to take all medicines as prescribed, even if you feel better before taking them. Many yeast infections get better after a few days or weeks of treatment, but some fungal infections may require treatment for several months or longer to fully heal.

Related tests

  • Bacterial Vaginosis Test
  • Trichomonas Test
  • Chlamydia Testing
  • Gonorrhea Test
  • Fungal Culture Test


Yeast infection tests: MedlinePlus medical test. (n.d.). MedlinePlus – Health Information from the National Library of Medicine. https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/yeast-infection-tests/

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